Title: “Nervous Adolescent Girl Stuns America’s Got Talent Judges with Powerful Performance”

Title: “Nervous Adolescent Girl Stuns America’s Got Talent Judges with Powerful Performance”


When thirteen-year-old Courtney Hadwin took the stage on America’s Got Talent in 2019, the judges—Simon Cowell, Howie Mandel, Mel B, and Heidi Klum—weren’t expecting much from the shy and nervous young vocalist. Mel B’s words of encouragement, “Don’t be nervous… remember that you’re not here by accident,” were meant to calm her nerves.

However, Courtney’s performance was anything but ordinary. As she began her rendition of Otis Redding’s “Too Hot To Handle,” her initial shyness melted away, revealing a powerful and soulful voice that left the judges in awe. Her performance was electrifying, with Courtney dancing confidently around the stage, showcasing a level of self-assurance that was truly impressive.

The moment reached its peak when Judge Howie Mandel, completely captivated by her talent, pressed the golden buzzer, sending Courtney straight to the quarter-finals. Simon Cowell was visibly stunned, exclaiming, “You were this shy little thing when you came out, and then you sing and you’re like a lion. Oh my gosh, you’re not from this era—you’re from a whole different era.”

Though Courtney did not win the grand prize and placed tenth in the competition, she continued to deliver outstanding performances, including a thrilling cover of Tina Turner’s “Nutbush City Limits” in the finals. Howie Mandel praised her as “on fire” and a “superstar,” a testament to her remarkable talent and undeniable presence.

Courtney Hadwin’s journey on America’s Got Talent remains a powerful reminder of how talent can shine through even the most nervous exterior, leaving a lasting impact on both the judges and the audience.

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